Friday, January 29, 2016

One of the reasons I am happy at Lewis University is the great job I have on the Intramural Sports Staff. As I mentioned before, I love sports and want to remain involved with them as long as I possible can. So I was overjoyed when I finally got the job here on campus which has brought me so much new knowledge, given me great friendships, and kept me delightful busy and involved. The job is tough but it is a lot of fun and I am sure it is the best job I will ever have, with the best boss and staff. Although I only score keep I am more than happy to be able to set up games, run them, and even critique them with other referees.
I love sports and I believe that I always will. My goal is to become a sports psychologist and hopefully be able to work with a variety of age groups. I was always involve with athletics since I was young and college seemed off putting for my solely because I would not be able to enjoy volleyball or softball the way I used to. I was terrified to miss the sports I love so much and dedicated a huge part of my life to. It is scary to give so much time, focus, and dedication to something I would just have to forget about all of a sudden. That fear is when I knew I had never really had passion for something like that before. Sure I like school and things such as art, but I could handle a break from them. Athletics were different and I want to stay involved and remain around them.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

8. The term mother and father are almost always taken for granted, and surprisingly not by children but by the actual role players. Many run away parents disregard the title and many part time parents do not respect the title. Every situation is different and should not be judged unless accordingly. If a mother cares more for her addiction than her children or if a father has built a new family and sees their biological child once a month, then they are abusing their title. A parent should not be defined by blood ties,but rather the actual influence they offer to the children. Meaning anyone could fulfill the role of a caring and responsible adult. You don't have to be a father to be a good dad and you don't have to biologically be someones mother to be a good mom. Being a parent does not gift you with the entitlement of being a good mother or father.
My hopes for the future is to be working with people and helping to actively make a difference. My plan as of right now is to become a Sport Psychologist and maybe even dabble in music psychology and therapy. Psychology and sociology have always interested me, while athletics and music have always been my passion. No matter what I would like to always be involved with sports and the arts. However, the thing that will make me overall happy is to be working with and helping people. I even said that if all else fails my back up plan would be to be a paramedic because then I know that I am still making a difference.
Earlier this week I meet with the head of the music department and discussed the options I would have in minoring in music. I have the idea that I will major in psychology and minor in music as well as sociology. I still have not completely convinced myself of what I want to do for a profession, but I have always known that I want to minor in music. I have always loved to sing and I did play the trumpet throughout grade school and high school. Music is important to me and I want to be able to keep it in my life. So in preparation to declaring my music minor I have started taking piano lessons.
What I learned today is about how to narrow down who the audience is and how to define the audience. It is extremely important and the first part of the process of figuring out one's writing style, genre, and purpose.

When I took AP English in High School we had been told to stop mentioning the audience in rhetorical analysis specifically because that is all the class could seem to focus on. Our teacher was amazing and she told us how important the reader was when developing a piece, however, our class was taking it to the extreme and she needed us to cool it just a little. Basically I am aware of how important the audience is, but i need to get back into the habit of actually recognizing the reader.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Honestly the idea of blogging and its importance is not something I am familiar with. But the little knowledge I have on the subject is that it has become a widely successful and well known form of communication. Because blogging is popular it holds opportunity for heavily influencing the world and how communication evolves. therefore the responsibilities we have to each other when we blog is to remain open minded and curious. The blog has expanded from more than a personal tool and so we must remember that we are not only writing for ourselves. Our responsibility is to recognize that when we blog we influence others, and hopefully we can use that power to inspire.

That is our responsibility to ourselves and others when we communicate, to engage and learn from the material. Obviously entertainment becomes a huge factor in the use of social media today, but from a larger perspective we are communicating and connecting.